Repair Photos

Repair Photo

Your Own Personal Trouble-shooter

Imagine that you have your own personal knowledgeable computer troubleshooter that has your back throughout the day, who has a wide range of expertise, and communicates technical subjects in a simple to understand manner? That also cares about your needs like his own, and keeps excellent records of all your service visits?

As your own personal troubleshooter, I excel in following up with in-progress projects and services, I stay abreast with the latest technologies that matter to you and I keep you in the loop on what you need to know to help you stay productive.

Check out my recommendations, articles and publications on technology to see how I can help you shortcut many lapses in productivity. Don’t waste your time and money on repair shops that don’t staff experienced technicians, have your computer serviced right the first time.

Repair Service Rates & Turn-around Times

Within 1-2 Days
  • Skip the line.
  • Priority response to calls, texts, emails.
  • Saturday service
  • Free at-your-location priority pickup and drop off service (If needed or requested).
  • All of first class features.
  • Expert advise and recommendations on future issues and purchases.
1st Class
Within 3-7 Days
  • High quality repair service with over 20 years of experience.
  • Full diagnostic service & reports (If needed)
  • Excellent service record/history keeping.
  • Access to articles and publications that will simplify your technology life.
2nd Class
1 Week+
  • High quality repair service with over 20 years of experience.
  • Full diagnostic service & reports (If needed)
  • Excellent service record/history keeping.
  • Access to articles and publications that will simplify your technology life.

Contact me to reserve your priority service now!

Consultation Service Rates

Consultations always start as assessments of your issue, that may lead to a repair or resolution of your issue. I collect my full minimum fee if you decide not to accept my repair or resolution results. In some cases, if some service, 3rd party result, or product is not available, or the service cannot be performed in a manner I find acceptable, I will offer you a recommendation in place of a repair or resolution. My full service minimum fee for this time are collected for assessments as well as results. If your issue was not resolvable due to a missing service, product, or 3rd party result I will apply half of the fee I collected from the original appointment as a credit to the next visit that involves a follow-up to the preexisting issue.

I excel at repairing and resolving most technical issues in a timely and cost effective manner. Technology has many operational aspects that are not always apparent at first glace and may require additional billable visits that requiring further time and expense to resolve. Please note that In these situations I will do my best to keep costs and time required to resolve your issue at a minimum.

Consultations can happen in my office, or at your location. Depending on my service load, at-office/home appointments usually carry a scheduling buffer of 3 hours to 1 day. In many cases, 3 days to 1 week. Contact me for more information.

Please add 20% to the below fees if your service request is tied to an organization that involves 2 or more individuals. I reserve the right to change these fees depending on the situation. If you have questions about your particular situation, contact me

Within 1 mile from Down Town SR (Per Hr/1Hr Min)
Within 5 miles from Down Town SR (Per Hr/1Hr Min)
Weekends, Within 1 mile from Down Town SR (Per Hr/1Hr Min)
Weekends, Within 5 miles from Down Town SR (Per Hr/1Hr Min)
After hours, Within 1 mile from Down Town SR (Per Hr/1Hr Min)
After hours, Within 5 miles from Down Town SR (Per Hr/1Hr Min)

Book an appointment

Phone/Remote Consultation Service Rates

Remote Service happens online and it starts with a request from you. Depending on my service load, remote appointments usually carry a one hour scheduling buffer. Contact me for more information.

Per minute with $32.00 minimum per inquiry

In certain situations, where I know enough abut your problem there might be an initial flat-rate analysis fee that I will communicate to you before hand.

Book an appointment

Personal Interests

Along the way of providing technical services to the public, I noticed great suffering happening on a spiritual level between myself and the world. I realized, I could no longer sit by and watch my world be destroyed by inaction. Today I work very hard to bring my world into alignment with Cosmic Spiritual Law though my own personal activism. I follow strict cosmic codes that govern behavior centered around cause and effect. Every action has an equal an opposite reaction. This principle is well known to apply in physics, but it also operates in every area of life. Harm creates harm, and goodness creates goodness. There are no exceptions. The biggest problem to understanding this concept is knowing what actions cause harm, and what actions cause good. For me, this is a life journey, lived though the heart, that I take to find resolution. You can find out more about these codes from the 7 hermetic principles which is based on the Hermetic teachings.

Spiritual Activism is the coming together of spirituality and activism. It is not about religion, it is not about any form of dogma, it is activism that comes from the heart, not just the head, activism that is compassionate, positive, kind, fierce and transformative. Being a spiritual activist means taking responsibility for my part in creating the change I want to see in the world. Living in a spirit of positivity, compassion, and love with a balance of independence and self determination. Nothing could be more inspiring and more rewarding than being the change I want to see in the world, within and without.

Personal Interests Warning

If you are a customer, or potentially want to be a customer of mine, reading about my personal interests and beliefs might be more than you want to know about me. I strive for professionalism by refraining from bringing up personal interest topics unless asked. In many cases, I like to keep discussions amount my personal life in the office and on at-location appointments brief as I do not want to taint our business relationship with my philosophical beliefs.

In 2019 I suffered a Cerebral Hemorrhage. I wrote a book about the experience of overcoming depression and how choosing mental/emotional strife over peace plays a direct role in shaping life.

Check out my writing events, projects, quotes, books, reflections and memorials.


  • 707-536-1527 | Phone & Text.
  • 555 5th Street Suite 230-A Santa Rosa, California 95401
  • Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8am to 5pm | Saturday(Priority Service Only): 10am to 4pm
  • At-Location Hours: Monday-Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday(Priority Service Only) 10am to 4pm
  • Phone Hours: Monday-Friday: 9am to 7pm